
Intelligence Analyst

The opportunities open to you in the role of Intelligence Analyst (Int An) are extremely broad and varied. Information is collected from multiple sources 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In your role you will:

  • Collect, collate and evaluate intelligence
  • Monitor and analyse radio and electronic transmissions broadcast throughout the world
  • Analyse and interpret aerial or satellite imagery using high tech systems
  • Disseminate tailored intelligence to commanders, aircrew or troops on the ground
  • Be able to effect “real time” change in how the UK is fighting its enemies

Post Initial training at RAF Halton you will undertake a 14 week intelligence course (RAFIC) at the Air Intelligence Wing, Chicksands, Bedfordshire where you will learn the fundamentals of Air Intelligence. This course is designed to train you in the basics of Operational Intelligence (OPINT) and will give you a good understanding of the sources of information, and the techniques for processing them.

Starting Salary: £25,200+ (+benefits)

Age: 17.5-47 (must attest before 48th birthday)

Education: Minimum of GCSE Grade C/4 or Scottish National 5 at Grade C in English Language and Mathematics. Waivers may be considered for experience and/or professional qualifications.

Residency:  You must be a citizen of the UK since birth (not naturalised) and must never have held any other nationality or citizenship (including joint nationality) with the exception of dual British Irish citizenship. Immediate family must be British citizens/nationals.

Whether or not you were born in the United Kingdom, you should have resided there for the 10 years immediately preceding your application, but candidates with a minimum of 7 years may be considered. If you have resided abroad for a period due to work or study, you may still be eligible on a case by case basis.

 Full Time Job
 Published on 05-08-2024
 Deadline NA