The Exciting Life Of An Raf Intelligence Analyst (linguist)
5 years ago

Learn about what it's like to be an Intelligence Analyst (Linguist) in the RAF!Here is a day in the life of Ali:


My role is to intercept, translate and analyse foreign signals. The information is passed up the chain of command and distributed throughout the British Armed Forces to ensure they are able to carry out their roles safely; it alerts them to any potential threat to life or operations. I could be listening to Air Traffic Control or communications between enemy troops.

My day:

As an RAF linguist I work shifts. This can be challenging and busy, but knowing that what you're doing has a direct impact on military operations makes it very satisfying. I intercept and translate foreign communications daily, determining which information is of intelligence interest and quickly passing it to the relevant parties. I use the most modern technology and software to assist me in this role. Outside of this I have been given many opportunities to take part in adventure training and recently spent a week skiing in the French Alps. When I'm not in work I have the opportunity to volunteer for secondary duties such as working in the bar on camp or sitting on the committee for functions, these are essential for the social side of military life.

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