Macauley- Supply Chain Management Degree Apprentice
2 years ago



About me;

Hi, I’m Macauley a second year Supply Chain Management Degree Apprentice. I studied Business, Psychology and Geography at A-Level before joining DHL. I now work in the Tradeteam area of our business helping to supply pubs and festivals all over the country with their drinks.

Why an Apprenticeship?
I choose to do an apprenticeship because I wanted to continue studying but also get real life working experience in a company with so many opportunities. Earning a full time wage is also a huge benefit!

Why did DHL Apprenticeships appeal to you?

A DHL apprenticeship really stood out to me for a couple of reasons. Firstly due to the size and scope of the business.  There are opportunities all over the globe when working in DHL so you have the chance to shape your career in any way you like. Also, how committed the business is to its people. DHL really cares for its employees and is passionate about developing them, which is the perfect kind of company to work for as an apprentice. 

What do you enjoy most about your apprenticeship?

I love how every day different, there’s different challenges to solve or new opportunities to get stuck into, and no day is ever the same or boring! This has given me great experience and has really helped to develop me. 

What has been your highlight so far?

The biggest highlight of my journey so far has been meeting so many wonderful people and making so many new friends. DHL apprenticeships give you the opportunity to meet so many new people and I am excited to meet and network with so many more.

What advice would you give to people thinking of doing an apprenticeship?

Simple answer would be do it!! Apprenticeships are such good opportunities to earn a qualification but also gain experience in the ‘real world’. This really differentiates you from the crowd as so many people go to university now days. Getting in with an exciting company, learning and developing is great experience. As an apprentice in DHL you feel extremely valued and respected which makes it such a great company to be a part of.

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