Dot- Accounting Apprentice
2 years ago



About me :

Hi, my name is Dot. I am Accounting Apprentice, studying AAT Level 4 Professional Accounting/ Taxation Technician. Before starting my apprenticeship I had several different jobs in my life, looking for something I will really enjoy. I was for example: home based baker and cake decorator for over 7 years; worked as a care assistant for elderly and even at  McDonald when I was young ☺  

Why an apprenticeship ?

I chose to do apprenticeship as I have family and wanted to support them financially while learning. I have also knew that doing an apprenticeship instead of traditional courses at collage (what I did before) will give me more realistic idea of how working in this industry will look. I cannot not to mention the opportunity that the apprenticeship creates for a hands-on-experience.

Why did DHL Apprenticeships appeal to you?

DHL appealed to me because of the culture. They equality and diversity culture was praise to me by other employees way before I even join DHL and I have always thought it would be great to work in a company with great values. 

What do you enjoy most about your apprenticeship? 

Honestly, every day. The experience I am getting while being able to progress with my study.    It can be sometimes challenging but at the end of the day it gives you so much more satisfaction knowing that you are able to overcome this challenges (especially that everyone is willing to help and explain things to you if you are really stuck).

What has been your highlight so far?

While I mostly work from home, I had the opportunity to do two days of training on the side. It was great to see how does it look from this side of my role, but most importantly, everyone was so nice! Honestly, every person I met was helpful and friendly, even people that didn’t really need to speak or interact with me. 

What advice would you give to people thinking of doing an apprenticeship?

Do it! Especially if you like me- not your average age apprentice- don’t let this put you off. I am almost 40 and when I decided to apply I thought to myself: am I crazy for even trying? First of all, no one ever will make you feel bad or discriminate you because of your age at DHL. Second of all, apprenticeship allows you to carry on with your other responsibilities in life, while working and learning at the same time. I treat this as an amazing opportunity and I am grateful that DHL decided to give me a chance.

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