Greg Taylor, Delivery Apprentice At Home Group
6 years ago

I was successful in my A levels and got four A grades in Business, Art, English Language and Media.

My original plan was to go to University but after a recommendation by a family friend, I looked on the Home Group website apprenticeships page. I was impressed, applied and started on an apprenticeship within the development team in September 2017.

As part of my apprenticeship I also study for a degree, which means that I’ll end up getting a qualification in Quantity Surveying after my three years working here with none of the student debt!

Doing this apprenticeship has given me practical experience and I feel I am more employable now than I would have been.

A bit about Home Group:

Home Group’s commitment to apprentices continues to grow, supporting our mission to build our customers’ independence and aspirations.

Our apprenticeship scheme is aligned to areas of business growth, delivering a talent pipeline that slots into jobs as we grow. Our apprentices are fully qualified, know the business, and are loyal and engaged.

Just some of our apprentice achievements include:

    Since 2013 we’ve employed 300 apprentices, doubling our annual intake of apprentices from 60 to 120 in 2017 This year we’ll be offering 18 apprenticeship types, ranging from Health and Social Care and Housing, to Procurement and Digital Marketing Sustained a 75% progression rate of completers into employment, 80% of which were into jobs with Home Group 100% qualification pass rate for completers 95% of apprentices say we’re ‘a great place to work’

We want to invest in you:

    We pay above the national apprenticeship minimum wage to ensure our apprentices are better off working than on benefits We guarantee progression for successful apprentice completers who want a job; coaching them to make job application and prepare for interviews

For more information on all our apprenticeship vacancies, have a look here:

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