Chay Hathway – Referee Performance Apprentice @ The Fa
6 years ago

What are the main responsibilities of your role?

I am responsible for looking into and analysing the data for all things Referee related in the Referees department. This includes help to review the progress made in referee performance in various competitions as well as helping to review for any referees who may be considered to have ‘Potential’.

Why were you attracted to The FA?

I was attracted to The FA as I had previous interactions with National FA staff through various programs and it seemed like it would be an inspiring place to work. Furthermore having a passion for football from ever since I can remember ultimately being able to work in football and make a difference to the game was a big draw.

What have been the highlights of your apprenticeship so far?

My highlight of the apprenticeship so far is winning an FA Pride award for “Progression” at the February staff conference at St. George’s Park.

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