Fedousy Haque - Operational Delivery Profession
8 years ago

“Prior to joining Surge, I completed my A-Levels and took a gap year to have some time to myself and earn some money before joining university to study Psychology.

During my gap year, I worked at a charity organisation as a project manager, I then went to work for a company that manufactures radiotherapy equipment to treat cancer. While working there, I came across a job advert for Surge apprentices.

I was attracted to the advert by the salary and pension scheme but I was also drawn to the idea of working in different government departments when a crisis arises.

Initially I was going to work until my university semester began. However, my plans changed once I started working in the Surge and Rapid Response Team. I ended up loving the job I have and all that being a Surge apprentice entails. The atmosphere and the people I work with make the experience of working in Surge both brilliant and exciting!

The main thing which interests me about Surge is the different roles and tasks we have to do in a crisis. The experience, increases my chances of going up the career ladder within the civil service, which is fantastic!”

Fedousy Haque, Surge Apprentice (Aged 19)

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