Claire Spiby - Operational Delivery Profession
8 years ago

I started work with the Surge and Rapid Response at the start of June 2015.

Before working with Surge I had lots of customer service jobs as I worked part time in retail since I was 16.

After college I wasn’t too sure what I wanted to do but knew I didn't want to go to university. I did know that I wanted to continue my education and I wanted to gain valuable work based experiences and so an apprenticeship was the ideal opportunity for me.

I came across the SRRT advert and thought it was perfect for me. It was interesting, exciting and constantly something different, which is good for me. I was over the moon to find out I had got the job and couldn’t wait to start.

After being with SRRT for only a month I was deployed to work with the foreign and commonwealth office and since that experience I have not looked back! Our job is constantly changing and I have changed the line of business I am working in 6 times across various government departments. It is fast paced and exciting, this is definitely the job for me!

Claire Spiby, Surge Apprentice (Aged 20)

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