Claire Provides Passionate And Tailored Service For Our Customers When She’s Out On The Job - Be It A Service Or Installation
8 years ago

  • Name: Claire Mealing
  • Job title:Home Service Engineer
  • Describe your role in one word:Satisfying
  • What area of Sky do you work in?Home Service and Supply
  • Describe a typical day:My day begins with a trip to my ‘lock box’ to collect any stock I may have ordered for the day, then scan the items onto my iPad and into the van. From there I head to my first customer for either an installation or perform a service on one of our range of products. When I’m with customers, I usually chat to them and get a feel for their interests so I can tailor my demonstration of the system to them specifically.
  • Describe your work/life balance at Sky:The work life balance at sky is just as it says -balanced! As a Home Service Engineer, there can be long days - but the rota system means we have plenty of days off to allow for a healthy work/life balance.
  • What’s the most enjoyable thing about your role and what surprised you most?I find interacting with my customers the most enjoyable part of my role; being able to set them up with a brand new system from scratch. I’m still surprised at how many people haven’t experienced one of our products until the moment I arrive to install their equipment.
  • What’s the coolest thing you’ve done at Sky?This! Helping to encourage the next generation of engineers to take the plunge and start their careers at Sky!
  • Your top application tip for people applying now – what did you do to stand out when you were applying.I’d say be yourself and do your research, you want to work for Sky so look into the company and just try to remember some simple facts. For my interview I made sure I had well thought out answers to the questions being asked, stayed relaxed and tried to look as confident as I could!
  • An intersting fact no one else knows about you?I'm actually pretty good at darts!
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