Callum, Our Customer Service Apprentice Says Working With His Team Feels Like One Big Family
8 years ago

After leaving school in June 2014, I started looking for part time jobs and got my first job with Next clothing. They expected high levels of customer service, and I discovered this, together with selling products became something I enjoyed.

In college last year I began looking for apprenticeships. I came across the Sky Customer Service apprenticeship and thought it looked like a great opportunity. I applied soon after and was invited to an assessment day. I was nervous at first but soon realised Sky was a company I wanted to work for. Shortly after, I found out I got the job. I was amazed and excited to begin my career journey. I started my job with intensive 4-week training and with the support of my trainer and my manager I became confident and was ready to start the job on the phones, which included dealing with customers with the best service.

On the phones, I was assigned a Buddy who helped, coach and give me feedback. This helped me gain confidence and become better at my job. At Sky, there are always ways to help me improve and become an expert at selling products and give the best service possible. I’ve been with Sky for 5 months now and I’ve never been in a better job or felt happier.I work in the pre-active cancellations department (DORT). Within DORT there are always incentives to keep me motivated. So far I’ve won shopping vouchers, iPads and much more because of determination and great service. You are always rewarded for hard work at Sky.

During my time here, I’ve made some amazing new friends in my department some I’d even class as my best friends who help and support me. We have work nights out with my department so we are always included. It really feels like one big family and a company that makes you feel like you are a part of them. My manager is also very supportive and is more of a friend than a manager as he makes the whole team feel as one and is such a nice person.

Sky Apprenticeships are an amazing idea and anyone who’s considering this should go for it because once you join Sky, you’re part of a huge family.But I also I feel like I'm in control of myself here, and the chance to keep going and getting involved with Sky is never ending.

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