Why I Love Working In Data And Ai As A Woman.
7 months ago

International Women's Day celebrates the intersection between women's rights and world peace. Its significance can be muted in the global north where majority of women have access to their basic human rights, but even now those rights are being contested. Today we should remember the progress of those that came before and paved the way for those of us now.

I thought about the question ‘Why I love working in Data and AI as a woman?’ and instantly thought about omitting the word ‘woman’, since being a woman has not influenced my opinion of my work. I felt that it also implied that the role was somehow different from its male counterpart, a notion that I reject. However after reflecting I realised, I had the privilege of seeing my role as equal because of various feminist movements that lead up to my experience of equality in the workplace. Given this I would like to take the time today to express my gratitude by discussing how these women have impacted the trajectory of my life and my ability to love what I do as a woman in the UK.

I study Digital and Technology Solutions with a specialism in Data Analytics at Northeastern University, where I get to explore the world through data in my studies. Understanding relationships between topics 

that interest me and uncovering new insights that are often hidden inside datasets. I hope that one day I will publish my own academic articles that will add value to the research community.

This aspiration can come to fruition because of the work of women who argued for my right to education and ultimately lead to the Sex Discrimination Act of 1972 in the UK that prevented women from being discriminated against in educational institutions such as universities.

I am also a Technical Sales Specialist in the Data and AI space, where this role allows me to bring to light subjects I am passionate about. This can involve helping organisations to achieve their sustainability goals with the creation of plans and workflows, and it can also involve making organisations more accountable on their mission for diversity and inclusion. I love my job because I get to have a positive impact and it gives me an income that allows me to do things that make me happy. Even the luxury of having my own bank account and spending my own money as I see fit has been afforded to me off the backs of women who protested for my right to do so in the years leading up to 1975, when women in the UK could open an account in their name without permission from their husbands.

At work my ideas and contributions are valued and I feel that I can suggest new approaches to situations based on my experience as a woman without fear of discrimination or reproach.

This is made possible due to the #MeToo movement that shed light on issues experienced by women in the workplace and allowed for a more transparent conversation on creating a safe working environment for everyone.

I would not be able to love working in Data and AI if it was not for the women that made it possible for me to occupy such a space. Therefore, I feel incredibly grateful to say that I love working in Data and AI as a woman.

You can connect with Chantelle Omotosho on LinkedIn to keep up to date with her apprentice journey!

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