Top Publishers Are Signing Up For Pma's Apprentice Journalists
4 years ago

If you want to get a passport to a media career, then consider the intensive training course PMA is offering 12 bright students at The Press Association.

We now have the interest of paid apprenticeships lined up at Mark Allen Publishing, Immediate Media, IPC and ASOS Magazine. And there are more to follow.

PMA trains the media publishing industry, and for 25 years we have also been growing top class postgraduates. They go straight into journalism jobs. We are now offering an entry level apprenticeship programme to post A-level students who want to learn the craft for in a truly professional environment. Surrounded by the UK's top multimedia journalists at The Press Association you will be taught by working experts in journalism, video, web and app creation.

It is not like a university course. This is a practical skills-based learning experience designed to get you working straight away. We have organised three-month paid internships with top publishers as soon as you graduate from our 12-week course. We pack an awful lot into this time. If you want the indulgent university life, then this is not for you. PMA's course involves a cost, but nothing like you the huge debts university imposes on you for years to come.

So if you think you'd like to learn more about this course, go and download the information pack, or better still, apply online.


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