Art And Design Competitions: Should You Enter?
4 years ago

Entering art and design competitions can be a daunting experience, particularly if it is your first time, or the competition is regarded as high profile. The process of choosing or creating your own original work, submitting your work in an appropriate form and having your work assessed by an unknown critic can deter many fledgling designers; but please don’t be discouraged!

We have found from experience that when people take the plunge and enter competitions, there is often no turning back and they go on to enter many more.

Competitions provide a useful platform for up-and-coming artists and designers. They offer the opportunity to highlight your work to a potentially wide and varied audience and to promote your professional profile.

The process of entering competitions enables you to hone your craft through the progressive stages of conception, creation and submission of an original idea. For art and design students, this provides a realistic insight into the professional world of art and design where practitioners work to a specific and distinct brief with attached deadlines.

From designing the exterior livery of the new Renault Twizy electric vehicle to creating designs for a new deck of magician’s playing cards, IDI students have had considerable success in competitions.

IDI’s Top Tips for Entering Competitions:

1) Select your competitions carefully. Be sure to enter competitions which are particular to your speciality and ensure that you have adequate time to commit to submitting an entry of a high standard.
2) Work to a schedule. Don’t leave creating your entry to minutes before the competition deadline!
3) Run your entry past others to gather valuable feedback on your work.
4) Believe in yourself. Gathering feedback and tweaking your work can be useful - however have confidence that you have fulfilled your brief and showcased your ability.
5) Cross your fingers!

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