Theatrical Media Make Up Students Unleash Their Talents At Rowing Championships
4 years ago

The College’s stand was choc a bloc for the duration of the day, and it gave the students a great opportunity to practice their skills. Level 3 Theatrical Make-up student, Jaydene Christie said “I’m really enjoying the course, there’s so much to learn. It’s really challenging and days like today give us real life, hands on experience.”

As well as being the largest indoor junior rowing event in the world it’s the chance for many young rowers to enter their first competition. With no overall winner, the rowers were categorized into year groups, and competed for their schools in provisional and final races, with winners in each year group. This provided the College’s learners with a great opportunity to hone their skills in a pressurised setting.

Debra Pluthero, Lecturer in Theatrical Media Make-Up, said “This is once again a really busy day for our students. It’s fantastic work experience and the pressure is on. Our students have worked on a lot of clients in a short space of time and this is what the world of work is all about.”

The course, gives learners the skills they need to pursue a career in make-up artistry in TV, film or theatre. And according to the rowers, of whom quite a few planned to trick their fellow rowers, teachers and even parents.

College learners also took part in the rowing at the Championships. All students completed the 2000metre rowing challenge in less than 8 minutes - and all finished between 10th and 15th place out of 30 participants in their individual disciplines.

If you are interested in a career in Theatrical Media Make-Up, please click on this link to apply for a course.


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