Join Oxfordshire County Council on an exciting journey towards Delivering the Future Together, our ambitious
transformation programme which is enabling us to be an employer, partner, and place shaper of choice. We’re
seeking the right people who can help us get there while embracing our value of ‘daring to do it differently’, as
we continue to strive to do better.
In Adult Services, this means we're daring to do adult social care differently by supporting Oxfordshire’s
residents to stay fit, healthy, and independent in their communities for as long as possible through a strength’s-
based approach. Working with local NHS services, care providers and community and voluntary groups, we
make the most of what each of our strengths are, pulling in the same direction, and united by one shared
This means we keep the people we support at the heart of all that we do. And that works. By listening to
people and building on the positives in their lives, we can work collaboratively to help them live the lives they
want with the right support around them.
It is something we call the Oxfordshire Way and we can’t do it alone – our proactive, positive approach to
social care gives everyone the opportunity to make a bigger difference. If we’re doing a good job, we don’t
stand still – we’re ambitious and we’re always striving to do better; it’s in our DNA.