Are university fees putting a dent in your future plans?
With university fees now set to top £9,535 per year, many are considering alternatives. Have you thought about an apprenticeship? It’s a route that not only provides hands-on experience but also allows you to earn while you learn. This can significantly ease the
financial burden and kickstart your career with practical skills.
At CT Skills, we’ve been helping individuals for over 20 years through vibrant learning programmes and career development opportunities. Our apprenticeship programmes, developed with the Department for Education, boast a 65% success rate—10% higher than the national average. This is a great testament to the support and guidance our dedicated team of trainer assessors provide to each apprentice.
We deliver apprenticeships is Payroll, Childcare, Marketing, Accountancy, Business Admin, Customer Service, HR, Education, Housing and Management.
So why not consider this viable alternative to university? Click to explore our available opportunities and let's get you started on a financially sound and professionally rewarding journey.