
Intelligence Analyst - Linguist

Why you should join the RAF as an Intelligence Analyst (Linguist)
•    Get paid to learn new languages (no language experience necessary!)
•    Have a real-time impact on military operations
•    Access supported undergraduate and post-graduate degree schemes. 

As an Intelligence Analyst (Linguist) (Int An (L)) you will find yourself working within a team of highly trained men and women, who have the important responsibility of providing timely intelligence to military forces deployed on operations around the world. 
Int An (L)s play a vital role in protecting the security of the UK, National and International interests by interpreting, analysing and disseminating intelligence. You will intercept foreign voice transmissions, using state-of-the-art receiving and recording systems. From this you will provide valuable intelligence about actual or potential enemies and their strengths, weaknesses, movements and locations. There is also the opportunity to act as an interpreter for troops on the ground, translating from native speakers. You will learn at least one foreign language, to a high degree of proficiency, and will spend much of your RAF life honing these skills or learning new ones. 
Whatever role you are employed in, your contribution will be vital to operational success by supporting operations across the globe and assisting senior commanders in making key decisions.

Typical Responsibilities:
•    Collect, collate and evaluate intelligence from multiple sources
•    Gather valuable information about enemies’ strengths, weaknesses and movements
•    Disseminate tailored Intelligence to commanders, aircrew or troops on the ground

Day in the Life of Megan
My role is to interpret for British personnel. The role involves verbally interpreting in meetings and can also include the translation of printed or handwritten documents. Without interpreters, British personnel would be unable to communicate with anyone else.  

Overseas, my day could involve speaking to local nationals about security in the local area and advising British personnel on cultural customs and traditions to help build rapport. It’s a demanding role and requires high levels of concentration. Working as part of a small team, you all rely on each other and use each other’s skills. Although it can be intense and fast-paced, it’s extremely rewarding and you make some great friends at the same time. 

Day in the Life of Ali
My role is to intercept, translate and analyse foreign signals. The information is passed up the chain of command and distributed throughout the British Armed Forces to ensure they are able to carry out their roles safely; it alerts them to any potential threat to life or operations. I could be listening to Air Traffic Control or communications between enemy troops. 

As an RAF linguist I work shifts. This can be challenging and busy, but knowing that what you're doing has a direct impact on military operations makes it very satisfying. I intercept and translate foreign communications daily, determining which information is of intelligence interest and quickly passing it to the relevant parties. I use the most modern technology and software to assist me in this role. Outside of this I have been given many opportunities to take part in adventure training and recently spent a week skiing in the French Alps. When I'm not in work I have the opportunity to volunteer for secondary duties such as working in the bar on camp or sitting on the committee for functions, these are essential for the social side of military life. 

Key Facts

Pay For 1st 6 months - £18,600+ + Benefits

Pay After 6 months - £25,200+ + Benefits

Qualifications you need
•    2 GCSEs or equivalent at Grade C/4 or above in English Language and Maths
•    No prior language experience necessary, you will just need to pass the Modern Languages Aptitude Test during the application stage. 

Joining age
17 – 48

Other entry requirements
Due to the highly sensitive nature of the work you will be conducting, you must be able to obtain a Developed Vetting. Therefore you must meet the following criteria:
•    You have been a British citizen from birth
•    Your parents are currently British citizens
•    Your spouse/partner is currently a British citizen
•    You have resided in the UK for 10 years immediately preceding your application, a minimum of 7 years may be considered. 

Initial –                                                                                                                                        
In the RAF you will receive the highest level of training to make you the best in your field. Your career will start with a 10 week Basic Recruit Training Course where you will learn:
•    fitness and military training
•    about RAF core values
•    the code of conduct and the history of the RAF

Specialist -

The next step is a 14-week Operational Air and Space Intelligence Course (OpASIC) at the Air Intelligence Wing, DITG Chicksands, Bedfordshire where you will learn the fundamentals of Air Intelligence. This course is designed to train you in the basics of Operational Intelligence (OPINT).It will give you a good understanding of the sources of information, and the techniques for processing them.

This is followed by up to 18 months of specialist training at the Defence Centre for Languages and Culture (DCLC) at which you’ll learn:
•    to become fluent in a modern language
•    the sources of intelligence, the techniques for processing intelligence and basic report writing
•    the RAF intelligence structure, as well as introducing you to the worlds of electronic warfare and electronic intelligence. 

For more information about the role and details of our application process, visit the RAF Recruitment website. To be directed straight to our site Click 'Apply'.

 Full Time Job
 Published on 2023-08-25
 Deadline NA