Why Studying At The Sciot Was A No Brainer For Omar Finnerty
1 year ago

Omar Finnerty joined the South Central Institute of Technology on the HNC Digital Technologies Cyber Security pathway after finding out about it through his tutors at Milton Keynes College. Having already experienced the teaching and working style from the College, it was a no-brainer for Omar when deciding what and where to study next.

What drew you wanting to study at the South Central Institute of Technology?

What drew you wanting to study at the South Central Institute of Technology?

‘’I already knew what the quality of the courses would be like first-hand. My experience on the course at MK College was extremely rewarding and exciting, so I knew that the level four course would be excellent. I was also drawn to the wide variety of subjects to study in Digital Technologies. Whilst my primary interest is in cyber security, I knew that the South Central IoT had other courses like programming, networking etc., that I could choose to pursue instead should my interests change.’’

What are you enjoying the most about your course?

‘’I really like the staff and teachers here at the SCIoT. The teaching on my Digital Technologies qualification has been impeccable and the support that has been given to aid students has been flawless.’’

What do you hope to do after you have competed your studies?

What do you hope to do after you have competed your studies?

‘’My desired pathway is focused primarily on IT security. After completing my education, I hope to go into either a security-based role at a company or go into further education within a security orientated pathway.’’

What advice would you give to people who are trying to decide on which pathway to complete at the South Central Institute of Technology?

‘’Any of the pathways available at SCIoT will be beneficial to your future career. For example, the HNC Digital Technologies course has allowed me to gain a lot of experience with different IT fields, not just strictly in security.’’

Could a Digital Technologies HNC specialising in Cyber Security be the right pathway for you? Find out more.

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