What Is It Like To Be A Student On The Data Analytics Pathway At Sciot?
1 year ago

Dhivya Sachidanandan chose to study a HNC in Digital Technologies at the South Central Institute of Technology after the course was highly recommended to her by a friend. Dhivya hopes to use this course as a stepping stone to a career in bioinformatics. Read on to find out why studying at the South Central Institute of Technology was the best choice for her.

What did you enjoy the most about your course?

‘’All the course modules were so interesting, but I have to say that I enjoyed learning about a type of programming called Python, designing a database, and looking into analytics the most.’’

What do you think makes the South Central Institute of Technology stand out?

‘’The South Central IoT has got an amazing and very dedicated team of coaches who will collectively help you to go beyond what you think you are capable of. All the individual pathways that the SCIoT offer are really interesting as well, with fantastic career opportunities upon completion of the course, and some great apprenticeship programmes.’’

What do you hope to do after you have completed your studies?

‘’I have always had a keen interest in research, so I plan to combine this qualification in Digital Technologies with my qualification in Complementary Medicine to pursue a career in bioinformatics. After this I’ll look into studying for a PhD!’’

Interested in starting a career in digital technologies? The South Central Institute of Technology has a range of pathways that could be suitable for you. Take a look and apply.

Take a look and apply.

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