Simon Legg- Paint Salesman To Junior Developer At Financial Times
8 years ago

SIMON LEGGPAINT SALESMAN TO JUNIOR DEVELOPER AT THEFINANCIAL TIMES"I can code and I'm starting a new job soon, which is exciting and I've doubled my salary!"What were you doing before joining Makers Academy?I was selling paint.What made you want to start learning to code in the first place?I wanted to make cool things that people use daily and my brother is a programmer so that captured my interest too.What did you find difficult during the course?I found it to be a steep learning curve and the emphasis on the self-led learning was difficult.How did you come across Makers Academy and what made you decide to apply to the programming course?I came across Makers Academy through Facebook and I met up with a graduate of Makers Academy who worked with my brother.What happened during/after graduation and where are you job-wise?I recovered from a hangover and then I started to apply to jobs and got a job offer about a month later.How has your life changed since graduation?I can code and I'm starting a new job soon, which is exciting and I've doubled my salary!What advice would you give to people thinking of changing career?Do it!What was your biggest worry before joining Makers Academy and how do you feel about it now?I was worried if I would be able to get a job afterwards or not but now I got a job so it's all good.Sum up your Makers Academy experienceCoding and great friends.

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