Alexandra Parkinson- Retail Worker To Junior Developer At Punk Publishing
8 years ago

"MA was really fun, exciting and my first experience in education that I actually enjoyed!"

What were you doing before joining Makers Academy?

I was working in retail.

What made you want to start learning to code in the first place?

I've always been a techie, and I loved the code community and the idea that I could make awesome things from my computer.

How did you come across Makers Academy and what made you decide to apply to the programming course?

I was looking online for resources on learning how to code and came across an article in the news about coding courses. Makers Academy looked awesome, friendly and super informative, so I thought there's no harm in applying if I don't get in, but thankfully I did!

What did you find difficult during the course?

The work load and realisation of how much you're expected to learn, at first, was difficult to process. But you find out it's so much fun and you enjoy and look forward to every new task you get.

What happened during/after graduation and where are you job-wise?

I was sceptical about getting a job and didn't want to leave Makers Academy at first, but hiring week was very useful and helped me boost my confidence. So I was super excited when I had my first interview only about a month after graduation and I got the job, which is even better!

How has your life changed since graduation?

I was stuck after finishing college with no intentions to go uni, in a job I hated. Now I feel like I've learned so much, met so many awesome people, and got a job doing something I love along the way.

What advice would you give to people thinking of changing career?

Do it. Everyone has something they love doing, so why be stuck in something that bores you when you can switch up your life and do something you enjoy.

What would you say to people who say £8,000 is very expensive?

It's worth it, it's much cheaper than university and if you get a job after it eventually pays for itself.

What was your biggest worry before joining Makers Academy and how do you feel about it now?

Feeling like I wasn't as good as other people in my educational experiences and now I realised I just needed some confidence.

Sum up your Makers Academy experience

Really fun, exciting and my first experience in education that I actually enjoyed!

What advice would you give to people interviewing for developer roles?

Just be yourself and be honest, feel confident with what you are saying.

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