Oliver Corkill, Bae Systems
5 years ago


BSc Mathematics

Finance Trainee

BAE Systems - Submarines

Why did you choose an apprenticeship?

I initially considered the Finance Graduate Scheme at BAE, however, I decided to research apprenticeship schemes alongside this and realised that the apprenticeship scheme gave me the same qualification and benefits as the graduate scheme.

What has been the biggest highlight/challenge?

My apprenticeship has been really enjoyable and engaging. I have worked in teams with some brilliant people and have learned a lot about accounting and finance. The biggest highlight has been completing work that has been complimented by directors in the company - it really validates what I am doing and makes me feel a valued member of the team.

The biggest challenge has been changing my way of thinking for my accounting studies, being a mathematician before I came into the company. The thinking process for a maths degree, focusing on pure maths, is completely, and wildly, different to that for accounting and tax.

What do you see yourself doing after your apprenticeship?

I would like to be in a role that I enjoy, doing fulfilling work in a great team. I would like to be progressing well in my career and pushing for different experiences. Further down the line, I would love to make use of the global CIMA Qualification, and global business of BAE Systems, to work in roles in different parts of the world and experience different cultures.

How has the CIMA Qualification supported you in your role to date?

So far the CIMA Qualification has definitely helped me by teaching me the ins and outs of accounting which may be hidden in the background of a company as large as BAE. However, I also think that it is an equal relationship where the experiences I gain in work help me gain a greater understanding of the topics in my studies.

What's the best part about being an apprentice?

I think it's the opportunity to learn and develop skills whilst also being trusted in a full time role, and being able to rotate around the business and get a broad sense of what each different team in Finance contributes towards.

Why would you recommend undertaking CIMA and an apprenticeship to others?

CIMA is such a valuable qualification to have as it can open so many doors in your future career and an apprenticeship is one of the best ways of working towards this qualification.

Ready to start your CIMA Journey?

Find out more: cimaglobal.com/apprenticeships


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