Kal Ali, Ramboll
5 years ago


A’ Levels



Project Co-ordinator, Ramboll UK


Tell us about your current role and organisation.

I have just completed my Level 4 Apprenticeship with Ramboll, a Nordic Design and Management Consultancy business. I work within the finance function as a project co-ordinator.

My role is dynamic, and in some ways, a good reflection of the changing shape of the finance function, moving away from daily data input and calculations and towards continuous improvement, digitalisation and finance consultancy.

I use my skills in financial analysis, reporting and budgeting to support stakeholders at different levels of the business, specifically within the remit of Project Performance.

Why did you choose an apprenticeship?

I was always put off by the idea of university. I wasn't sure there was any subject that I was enthusiastic enough about to dedicate 3+ years of my life to. Jumping straight into full time work made me realise that I have a pragmatic approach to learning. I learn by throwing myself into the thick of it!

Every day is a new, exciting challenge.

I chose CIMA for the strength of the qualification and the reputation of the membership body. In addition to getting fundamental accounting knowledge and experience, CIMA also develops a solid understanding of the business at different levels - all with a foundation of strong ethics and integrity.

What has been the biggest highlight and the biggest challenge?

I would be lying if I didn't say one of the highlights was passing my exams! Especially passing them first time. Also the variety of projects I have engaged with. I've helped organise our presence at LGBT Pride in Southampton, been involved with our employee engagement programme and even helped mentor and train the future CIMA professionals of tomorrow.

The biggest challenge would be keeping up with the pace of CIMA studies...a lot of information in a short time.

Ready to start your CIMA Journey?

For more information visit: cimaglobal.com/apprenticeships

Ready to start your CIMA Journey? cimaglobal.com/apprenticeships

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