Fahad Badar- Corporate Governance Trainee At Schroders
6 years ago

Name: Fahad Badar

Age: 18

School: Perry Beeches Sixth Form

Job Title: Corporate Governance Trainee

Please give an overview of your role and what does this involve on a day-to-day basis.

When investors buy shares in a company they get to have a say in how the company is run. The main way that investors make this known to the company is by voting annually at their annual general meeting (AGM). At Schroders, we vote at over 5000 companies a year and it is the responsibility of my team to analyse these meetings, communicate with the fund managers and vote at these meetings. My day to day responsibilities involves me setting up any new clients who we take on board to make sure we can vote on their behalf and to run reports to clients who would like to know how we voted previously. I have also been getting involved with some project work which involves engaging with companies to better understand their management and to inform them of our voting policy.

Why did you decide to apply to a traineeship/apprenticeship?

Although I enjoyed education I felt like what you learn in school is applied very differently to the real world. I always knew that I wanted to go into the financial industry and was very eager to join at the first opportunity I got. I believed that I would learn a lot more from getting hands-on experience rather than learning it from a textbook.

What did you study at school?

Maths, Physics and Politics (A-levels)

What was the recruitment process/assessment centre like?

The process was engaging and mixed. The first stage was a video interview followed by an assessment centre at the Schroders’ office. I found it quite supportive that the journey to the office was paid for by Schroders as this opens up the opportunity for people outside of London to have an equal chance as those in the capital. The assessment was rather enjoyable and I was also able to ask some questions that I had. The overall process wasn’t as stressful as it could’ve been.

What training do you get on your programme (external and internal)?

There is plenty of business training covering topics from presentation to persuasion. All of this internal training is relevant to the day to day life in the office and helps you build your career. There are also insightful ‘Lunch & Learn’ sessions with people from across the company which give a good perspective of their experience. The external training is more to do with the broader asset management industry and how it all comes together. It includes topics like the different types of funds and clients and how assets are traded.

How much support do you get from your employer/team/manager?

The support system from the team is helpful and friendly. There is a culture of asking questions where you don’t understand something and the workload isn’t burdened upon you if you can’t handle it.

What has surprised you about working at Schroders?

I was surprised with the amount of external contact I get. I’ve found myself contacting custodians such as JP Morgan and State Street, and also I’ve recently also been contacting companies which we have a shareholding in. I’ve been quite fortunate to start at the heart of the business.

What has been the highlight of the programme so far?

The highlight for me would be getting my first piece published externally. I will be writing a review on our US engagement in 2016 and what we learnt from it going forward, which will be published in the Q1 2018 sustainability report. Getting my name out there at such an early stage is such a boost and frankly, quite surprising that I got the opportunity.

Any advice or tips for those applying?

I would say that if you want to get into the finance industry, this is a brilliant opportunity. It leaves your options open to going to university if you decide to take that route, and as long as you can show your passion and drive you could go a long way in Schroders. During the interview don’t be shy to speak up and let your voice be heard. More importantly, just be yourself.

To read more about the opportunities available at Schroders and apply please clickhere

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