Charlotte Stickings- Corporate Communications And Public Relations Trainee At Schroders
6 years ago

Name: Charlotte Stickings

Age: 19

School: Sir Joseph Williamson Mathematical School

Job Title: Corporate Communications and Public Relations Trainee

Please give an overview of your role and what does this involve on a day-to-day basis.

On a day-to-day basis, my role includes the planning and implementation of various communications campaigns throughout the business, including that of specific events and long-running campaigns such as Diversity and Inclusion talks and the induction of new employees to our processes. I also work with the Public Relations team to communicate with journalists, increasing the awareness of our brand through a variety of different channels and to help in the organisation of our network of global PR agencies. I also run the internal media training courses which are programmes that all our spokespeople have to go through before talking to any media outlets on our behalf.

Why did you decide to apply to a traineeship/apprenticeship?

In my final few months of school it became apparent to me that I wasn’t entirely sure I wanted to go to university as I wasn’t really sure about what I actually wanted to do! I had enjoyed working various part-time jobs from a young age and decided that the best route for me was to find my feet by getting some work experience, to understand what I did and didn’t want to do long-term while gaining some valuable experience in the industry I was interested in.

What did you study at school?

Upon completion of my GCSEs, I studied English Literature, Economics and Government, and Politics at A level, with an AS in Classical Civilisation.

What was the recruitment process/assessment centre like?

The recruitment process was very easy compared to other similar companies I had applied to. I applied online, then I was invited to do a video interview and then a month or so later I was invited into the office to attend an assessment centre with around five other people. I remember being really nervous all the way to the assessment centre, and then as soon as you realise that everyone is actually really friendly and all the other candidates are just as nervous as you, it almost becomes fun!

What training do you get on your programme (external and internal)?

One of the things I have enjoyed most about the programme is the amount of training I’ve received both internally and externally. We’ve received training in all kinds of areas from really experienced professionals and learned skills that we will carry with us throughout our career, these include things such as presentation training, organisational training and how to make an impact in the workplace. We’ve also had lunches with some of the most senior members of staff, and been privileged to receive their valuable advice.

How much support do you get from your employer?

My team have been supportive since I first joined, at first helping me to settle in and then later helping to develop the skills I’m learning to a high standard by inviting me to industry events and generally just being really helpful. As I work across two teams, I’ve weekly meetings with my two managers to discuss anything that is going on. I know that I can always go to them if I have a problem and I feel that we have a mutual level of respect for each other.

What has surprised you about working at Schroders?

The key thing that has surprised me is how such a large company (with over 4000 employees worldwide) can feel like such a family. I’ve got to know so many different people from all around the world in such a short amount of time. Everyone is so supportive, and whilst it can be nerve-wracking going into such a prestigious industry as a school leaver, I’ve never felt afraid to ask a silly question.

What has been the highlight of the programme so far?

The highlight of the programme so far for me was attending our ‘International Media Conference’ where I was able to interact with so many different journalists and PR representatives from all around the world in the space of two days, followed by a dinner hosted at the British Museum. I was given so much responsibility in the lead up to the event, and throughout the event I played babysitter to a multi-linguistic, 4ft tall robot called Pepper.

Any advice or tips for those applying?

As cliché as it sounds, I would say that my best piece of advice to anyone applying is to be passionate and work hard. Recruitment processes can be utterly nerve-wracking, but as long as you show how passionate you are about the role you are applying for, Schroders will encourage you to learn and build from this.

To read more about the opportunities available at Schroders and apply please clickhere

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