Dan Burt, Apprentice At Way Ahead Care
6 years ago

Dan’s reason for choosing social care as a career was because he liked looking after people.

“I like the idea that I’m making their lives better. I have an involvement in how people who use our services progress, and I can then make their lives better. It impacts on me as well because I feel better about myself.”

An apprenticeship was Dan’s way into the sector. He says:

“I did this rather than going straight in to work – I think that would be too overloading and too much for me. I think that an apprenticeship was a great way because you can work and you can learn at the same time. You’re gaining knowledge every single day.”

Dan’s apprenticeship has made a difference to him as a worker. It’s made him gain confidence in himself and in other people. It has also helped him improve his service.

“It’s helped me with my communication skills. I have gained a lot of confidence from it and that helps the people I work with. From school you don’t really learn these life skills but in an apprenticeship you are put out there.”

The structure of an apprenticeship has helped Dan a lot. His employer has fed back to him his progress and what career pathways he would be most suitable for. “I got a lot of support no matter what my choices were, either staying with my employer or moving on.”

On recommending an apprenticeship Dan says:

“I would say it’s definitely worth a go. It builds a lot on your confidence and your communication skills and it’s a great pathway to a career.

You shouldn’t doubt an apprenticeship because it can lead on to a lot of things. My apprenticeship can lead on to about 30 different jobs so it’s definitely worth doing.”

Click here to find out more about apprenticeships in social care.

Click here to find out more about apprenticeships in social care.

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