Apprenticeship Case Study - From A Parent's Perspective
7 years ago

Harpreet Bal - Mother to Khalid Kamara (Rail Apprentice – Joined the business 2016)

Since starting the apprenticeship, my son's confidence has grown and he has become more responsible in general. He is learning other vital life skills such as managing finances and communicating effectively.

Meeting people at work from different backgrounds has helped with this. He is also more willing to talk about his work and does so with enthusiasm, something that never happened while he was at school. Being able to put theory into practice is definitely something that suits my son better than following the 'traditional' route of gaining an engineering qualification.

He also has a better idea of what he wants to do in the future, which again is something he never was able to do prior to starting his apprenticeship with WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff.

I am a strong advocate of apprenticeships for young people who want to gain work experience whilst gaining qualifications to enhance career prospects.

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