Alexia Chandler-sfikakis - Cilex Level 3 Professional Diploma In Law And Practice
10 years ago

I am 21 years old and currently manage a team of four in the busy Personal Injury department at Lyons Davidson Solicitors in Leeds. I began working for Lyons Davidson as a Trainee Paralegal just after completing my A Levels.

After a couple of months’ training, and successfully completing all tasks given to me, I was given my own caseload of 100 files, which continued to increase with time and experience.

Lyons Davidson have always positively encouraged career progression regardless of qualifications. The CILEx approach of work, whilst studying, has always been viewed positively by the firm.

I was part of a pilot group who completed a customised Paralegal Award in Civil Litigation. The course was delivered by our training department and was extremely useful when I began CILEx Level 3.

I am now just over half way through my CILEx Level 3 Professional Diploma in Law and Practice through distance learning with CILEx Law School and have found it a valuable learning curve. I have enjoyed studying again and am eager to learn more and expand my legal knowledge. My aim is to qualify as a Fellow of CILEx by the age of 25. I may decide to complete the LPC to qualify as a solicitor after that, but I am aware that my career development prospects with Lyons Davidson would be the same whichever path I choose.

CILEx Level 3 Professional Diploma in Law and Practice

Most people assume that it is only possible to become a lawyer through studying law at university. The simple fact is that there are too many people with LPCs and not enough training contracts: I have managed to become a Team Leader at Lyons Davidson by a completely different route and I would encourage anyone to consider this alternative.

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