Why Choose Cima As Your Accountancy Qualification?
4 years ago

You can choose to bypass university and head straight for the world of business and finance with the CIMA qualification. So what makes the CIMA qualification so special? It’s rooted in real world business needs, with leading employers and course providers on board, preparing you to work as a management accountant.

What is management accounting?

Whenever there’s an important business decision to be made, there’s a cool headed management accountant in the thick of things.

At fashion labels, in travel companies, inside football clubs; that’s where you’ll find the CIMA Chartered Management Accountant. CIMA people play key roles in some of the world’s most exciting organisations.

Getting started

You don’t need a degree to study CIMA. You can go straight into our entry level qualification – the CIMA certificate in business accounting then progress onto the CIMA professional qualification. This way you get to call the shots – studying at your own pace in a way that suits you.

You can study CIMA full time, part time while working, in a classroom or through distance learning. And you get to accelerate your career a few years without building up a mountain of student debt.

CIMA storiesJonathan Power

Jonathan Power had planned to go to Leeds University after leaving school. But a week after finishing his A-levels everything changed when he saw a job advert in the local paper for a trainee management accountant with Nestlé.

'After completing my A-levels I made the decision to begin CIMA immediately, joining a blue-chip company to do my training. As well as accelerating my career a few years I also avoided building up a mountain of student debt. I’m now managing the analysis team at Iron Mountain and have never looked back.'

Combine CIMA with a degree

Set on getting a degree? CIMA has partnered with four UK universities to offer students the opportunityto get a degree while also studying towards their CIMA qualification.

Find out more

Eager to kick off your career as a financially qualified business leader and progress quickly? StudyingCIMA after school is a strong career move.

If you have the ambition to succeed, find out more about CIMA now.

Even better, come along to one of our Saturday open days to get one to one advice about starting the CIMA qualification.

And don’t forget to ‘like’ us on Facebook to get all the latest news including jobs from CIMA employers –



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