Shortlist Announced For Apprenticeships Facebook Design Challenge
4 years ago

Industry experts have selected a shortlist of five ideas in a challenge to develop a new Facebook app or game for the National Apprenticeship Service.

Each of the five developers will now receive up to £3,000 of funding to create a beta version of their app or game, which will then go into testing in late June.

The challenge, which will culminate in a prototype Facebook app or game being launched in August, offers the chance for developers aged 16-24 to showcase their creative skills, with the winning idea eligible to receive up to £13,000 of funding in total to turn their ideas into reality.

The panel of judges from the creative industries selected the shortlist from entries received over the last few weeks from both individuals and teams across England with applicants ranging from 16 years of age to 24.

The five ideas shortlisted are:

Idea 1 - Jon Trew, 18, Hampshire

A game, using multiple genres of computer game where a ‘boss’ at the end of each level must be defeated by answering questions about Apprenticeships.

Idea 2 -Emma Bowden, 21, Tyrone Weeks, 17 and Stacey Roberts, 19, Bucks

A game called ‘Can you hack it to the top – Mountain Mayhem”. Users will have to try and climb the mountain by answering questions about their chosen career path, role, and interview scenarios.

Idea 3 - Ben Worsley, Apprentice Software Developer, 19, Manchester

An app containing a series of mini games, based on the different stages of getting an Apprenticeship. These are building a CV, searching for a vacancy, the interview and a suitability test for the role users are applying for..

Idea 4 -APP-renticeships (team of 4 aged 19, 19, 21 and 24), Nottingham

An interactive app providing tips on CVs, interviews and case studies and video tutorials of former apprentices.

Idea 5 - C7 Productions (team of 4, aged 17, 18, 19 and 20), Tamworth, Staffs

An app called ‘Professor Wizard’ which will be an in depth guide to applying for an Apprenticeship. The app will be based on creating a profile to help users choose their career path including an interview quiz to help people prepare for interviews.

Carolyn Savage, Head of Apprenticeship Vacancies for the National Apprenticeship Service and one of the judging panel said:

“The judges were all impressed by the standard of the applications received. The amount of hard work and effort that had gone into the proposals was evident and there were some tough decisions to narrow down the field. What was particularly pleasing was being reminded of the creative talent that we have in our young people and I can’t wait to see the outcomes of the next stage of the competition.”

Up to 17,000 quality Apprenticeship vacancies are available online at any one time at, allowing young people to earn while they learn in a real job, gaining a real qualification and a real future.

The panel of judges consisted of:

Carolyn Savage – Head of Apprenticeship Vacancies, National Apprenticeship Service

Saint John Walker – Creative Skillset

Jason Holt – CEO Holts Group of Companies and author of the Holt Review

Craig Abrahart – Operations Director,

Adam McGregor – Rewired State


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