Pera Training Offers Free Training Course To Combat Youth Unemployment And Reduce Welfare Dependency In Leicester
4 years ago

Pera Training, the UK’s largest provider of manufacturing apprenticeships, has today announced the launch of a new free training programme aimed specifically at getting young people, living in Leicester, off benefits and back into work.

The scheme, called ‘IntoWork’, is aimed at those over 19 years of age who have been unemployed for less than nine months and who are currently on benefits.

Commenting on the launch of the new course, Pera Training’s Chief Executive, Richard Grice, explained:

“Youth unemployment is one of the greatest challenges posed by the economic crisis. If we are to avoid creating a ‘lost generation’ of young people who are dependent on welfare handouts and who lack the skills necessary to secure gainful employment, it is essential that policymakers and the private sector do all that they can to provide adequate education and training. This initiative represents a part of our ongoing commitment to alleviating youth unemployment and helping young people achieve their full potential.”

The short course is spread over three days a week for four weeks and is designed to fit around school times, starting at 9.15am and finishing at 3.15pm each day.

Pera Training will also cover the costs of travel and will help provide access to free childcare to applicants and those enrolled on the course. In addition, Pera Training will utilise their existing relationships with major UK employers, including: Dixons, Currys, PCWorld and EE to identify vacancies for young people enrolled on the course and adapt their training accordingly.

Crucially, the course aims to provide young people with the necessary qualifications and skills demanded by employers as well as the guidance and advice necessary to help young people into the type of work they are looking for.

Those enrolled on the course will also be assigned a two person team to help trainees with every aspect of finding a job – from new skills to interviews.

Once young people have secured work, Pera Training will remain in contact ensure they have the necessary support and to provide them with new skills training, such as an apprenticeship, as appropriate.

For more information please contact:

Tel: 01664 501393

Email: [email protected]

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