School Leavers Urged To Take Up Apprenticeships
4 years ago

Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce is urging this year’s school leavers to consider doing an apprenticeship as A-level results are released this week. With the increased demand and competition for university places and the rising cost of student debt, the Chamber believes more young people need to look at getting vocational qualifications.

Chris Fletcher, Deputy Chief Executive of Greater Manchester Chamber, said: “For far too long young people have been told that the academic route is the only option. The result of this is that we have ended up with a shortage of skilled workers in sectors such as engineering and manufacturing which are at the forefront of the economic recovery. “We are not saying that people shouldn’t go to university, but we’re asking school leavers to consider whether a degree is right for them. There is no point going to university and piling up thousands of pounds worth of debt doing a course that won’t lead to a job.”

Apprenticeships have risen in popularity in recent years as the Government has put more emphasis on vocational qualifications to fill the UK’s skills gap. There are a wide range of apprenticeships available in Greater Manchester covering industries such as construction, engineering, hairdressing and IT.

Chris continued: “An apprenticeship allows young people to earn while they learn. Not only do they get training, but they also get work experience as they are given a placement in a real business. At the end of the apprenticeship they are equipped for a career in a skilled job without any of the debt that comes with going to university.”

In addition, the Chamber are offering some of the 18 year-olds leaving from full–time education this year an added incentive to consider apprenticeships, through a £1,000 ‘Golden Hello’ payment. The payment will be available to any applicants who are leaving after two years of full-time post compulsory education and are under the age of 19 when they embark on our apprenticeship scheme. The candidates are expected to be highly-motivated, quick learners who will either start or will progress quickly onto the Chamber’s Advanced and Higher Apprenticeships. The payment will be awarded after completing three months successful attendance on their chosen programme.

Over the past few years Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce has helped thousands of apprentices enter the world of work, supported by a variety of employers including high-profile names such as the Bank of New York Mellon and Siemens.

For more information on apprenticeships and the ‘Golden Hello’ payments phone 0161 233 2656 or email [email protected]. This site also offers general advice on school leaver apprenticeships for anyone reading this and not in the Manchester region.


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