Graduate Market Tougher Than Ever
4 years ago

With the graduate market tougher than ever, surely it is now time for young people to be told about the many different ways that they can achieve their career goals?

The intensity of the graduate job market has taken a dramatic turn today, with research showing that three quarters of employers require a 2.1 degree grade as a minimum requirement for a graduate job. This startling revelation shows that graduates achieving below a 2.1 qualification will not even be considered for the position by a large number of employers.

Today's report has also shown that the average number of applicants chasing a graduate position has reached a record high with 69 people applying for each role. With this market becoming more competitive, and the number of vacancies dropping by 7%, there has never been a better time for young people to find out more about the alternative ways that they can get the successful career they desire. University is not the right option for everyone and the majority of school and college leavers are not properly informed about the alternative options to the traditional route.

Our aim at is to help young people make informed choices about their future by showing the range of opportunities that exist outside of university.

A YouGov poll found that only 35% of teachers could see a clear progression route for Vocational Qualifications which shows an alarming knowledge gap in those tasked with providing careers guidance. We feel it is incredibly important that teachers and careers professionals learn about all of the alternatives to the academic route, in order to accurately inform students about their options and allow young people to make an educated decision about their future, rather than pressuring all young people to attend university because it is the option they know most about.

With today's news, and the likelihood that university tuition fees will rise, it is increasingly essential for young people to look at the alternative ways they can achieve their career aspirations.


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