One Week Left To Find National Apprenticeship Week 2014 Design Stars
4 years ago

With just one week left to enter their T-shirt design competition, the National Apprenticeship Service is urging budding young designers to submit their ideas.

The competition, which launched in late September and closes this Sunday 20th October, is in place to find a winning design for a t-shirt that will represent next year’s National Apprenticeship Week. The T-shirt will play an important role in promoting National Apprenticeship Week which will take place from 3– 7 March 2014.

Now in its seventh year, National Apprenticeship Week is the time when all eyes are on Apprenticeships and it’s all about raising the profile amongst employers, individuals, teachers, parents and the media. Everyone with an interest in Apprenticeships across England is encouraged to get involved in the Week.

The T-shirt featuring the winning design will be available for National Apprenticeship Week supporters to order in the run up to the Week. It is expected to be officially launched during The Skills Show at the NEC, Birmingham in November 2013.

The competition is being run by The National Apprenticeship Service and partner Creative Skillset. Entries submitted by the 20th October to the competition will be judged by an expert panel to be announced soon.

Entrants are expected to reflect the theme of ‘Made by apprentices’ – designed to showcase how Apprenticeships can deliver great things for employers and individuals.

Karen Woodward, Interim National Director of Apprenticeships at the National Apprenticeship Service, said: “We want all apprentices around the country to join in the National Apprenticeship Week celebrations – and wearing a t-shirt designed by budding young designers is a simple and very visible way for everyone to get involved.

“National Apprenticeship Week is a fantastic opportunity to shine the spotlight on Apprenticeships and the many benefits they offer. Apprenticeships are a great way for young people and adult learners to earn while they learn in a real job, gaining a real qualification; and setting them on the road to success in their chosen career. For employers, hiring apprentices is a way of attracting new talent and developing a motivated, skilled and diverse workforce.”

Dinah Caine, CBE, Chief Executive, Creative Skillset said: “Last year our fashion and textiles apprentices sent out the rallying cry of ‘We can do it!’ to encourage other young people to consider an Apprenticeship. We are delighted to partner in this national competition that will showcase the talent of apprentices and; we very much look forward to seeing the design proposals.”

The competition is aimed at current and former apprentices, and those that aspire to be an apprentice. Apprentices can be working in any job role completing any Apprenticeship framework. Further education students aged 16 and over can also enter. To enter the competition entrants should email their designs to [email protected] by the 20th October, 4pm.

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