Interview Tips For School Leavers: How To Stand Out Without A Degree
3 weeks ago

The act of securing employment can seem like a huge mountain to climb when you’ve just left your school and don’t have a degree. However, we are here to take some pressure off your shoulders.

You see, there are plenty of ways to make yourself shine during interviews, even without a diploma.

This is because most employers these days are looking for skills, enthusiasm, and the right attitude over formal qualifications. Below are some tips to leverage this shift. Let’s take a look.

Highlight Transferable Skills

So, imagine yourself as a school student who’s gone for an interview and ask yourself this simple question - ‘Would the interviewer hire me based on my education or skills?’ The answer is pretty obvious, right? It’s always going to be your skills.

So, then keeping that in mind, you can highlight the skills that you’ve accumulated while taking part in school projects, part-time jobs, part-time student internships, and so on. You can make a note of these skills and then present them during the interview.

Emphasise Your Eagerness to Learn

Now, it’s also kind of given that your skills alone are not going to be enough. So, to supplement them, you can and should emphasise your desire to learn and upskill.

Again you should not overdo it as the interviewer might look at it as a means to flatter them.

Additionally, you can balance your pitch to learning and upskilling by enrolling in a few courses and then showing up with certifications.

You can also make some sample projects from inside your student accommodation in Edinburgh; if you’re looking to land a sales job, a sales pitch would work; if a copywriter, then some sample copies; if a graphic designer, then some sample designs and so on.

Ask Smart Questions

Next up, we’d say that asking some really smart questions goes a long way in impressing your interviewer. This is a follow-up to our previous recommendation of emphasis on learning.

Also, you must research the company and the interviewer well before the interview.

You can get help from the respective company’s website for your research and LinkedIn for building connections. Your questions should be like a follow-up to the things that the interviewer is saying.

This way they not only feel heard but also validated for their knowledge.

Prepare and Practice Thoroughly

When you’re a school dropout, it’s important to remember that your communication skills will go a long way in helping you stand apart.

You can start by practising the usual interview questions like “Tell me about yourself” or “Why do you want this job?”

You can either prepare for your interview with friends or if you’re unable to find a partner to practise with, then your student accommodation in Bristol’s mirror will be your best bet.

Also, we want you to remember that this will not come naturally, have patience and see the results blossom steadily.

Present Yourself Professionally

Lastly, we’d like to emphasise that presenting yourself professionally is as equally important as making all the preparations.

The first step is to work on your posture, followed by grooming/hygiene and then topping it off with the right set of outfits.

Speaking of which, you’ll have to put some special effort into the way you dress as the majority of your impression is dictated by it. Also, because outfits are the easiest to create an immediate effect.

Here, we’d advise you to check Pinterest out for ‘formal outfits’ or ‘old money’ for inspiration.

Yes, we aren’t asking you to go over your budget but it will be beneficial for you to get as close as possible to the inspiration.

 If you’re unable to do so, then a polo shirt of a dark shade with semi-formal trousers can also do. But in all cases, dress simply yet elegantly.


To bring things to an end, we’d say that landing a job without a degree is an endeavour that requires a bit of brainstorming and preparation. That being said, if you face rejection, keep in mind that there are plenty of other jobs that you can apply to.

Your job is to knock at the door with a confident growth mindset because where there’s a will there’s a way. All the best!

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