Inspiration For Adventures Abroad In The Summer
4 years ago

Gone are the days where taking a trip to your nearest city is the excitement of the summer, say hello to a new experience awaiting you for the upcoming season. It’s coming up to the season of fun in the sun and everyone’s thinking about what they should do for the summer. If you’re looking to explore the world, work with animals, spend the days on the beach or even try out some adventure sports then you should keep reading and find out some great activities you could be doing this summer!

Get Active

Image Courtesy of Frontier’s Projects in Belize

Summer is the perfect time to try out new sports and activities that you might not have thought of. The weather is nice (please stay away rain) and it’s a time where you feel more alive and ready to take challenges. There are so many great sports you could do during summer, like surfing which is not always something you want to be doing during the colder months, but is definitely a great way to get a little fitter and learn a new skill. Another way to explore the ocean is diving; people rave about this activity because you get to discover a new world under the sea. It’s a great way to see animals you never thought you’d see up close… Hello whale shark and turtle. You can also get qualified and maybe discover a passion you never thought you’d have.

Weird and Wonderful Wildlife

Image Courtesy of Frontier’s Projects in Costa Rica

Have you ever thought about cuddling up to some really cute baby leopards or even a sloth? Well, volunteering with animals at a sanctuary or zoo could be just for you this summer! There are so many adorable species of animal out there that you’d never get to interact with or even touch because they are half way across the world in an exotic locale. Looking after animals may be something you’ve always wanted to do or it could just be something to fill up the summer. But volunteering with animals is not only really fun (think of the photos) it’s also really rewarding and you’ll come back home feeling differently about the world.

Take me to the Beach

Image courtesy of Frontier

Ever fantasize about laying on the beach, but in reality you’re stuck inside on a rainy day? Well, then take the opportunity during the summer to get onto that beach and maybe even get a tan. It’s not all about tanning but that’s definitely a perk. You can also get stuck in and work in helping to conserve the beach and marinelife – which can lead you to experience diving with sea life (manatee’s, dolphins, turtles)! If you want to be challenged and gain a lot of your summer then this is the way to go! Like they say in Belize “No shoes, no shirt, no worries”.

So many trails, so little time

Image courtesy of Frontier’s South East Asia Trail

A lot of people want to travel at least once in their lives and see as much as possible. Trails are one of the best ways to see a whole chunk of a continent in one trip. Who wouldn’t want to travel all around South East Asia or Central America? These are some of the most cultural and beautiful places in the world and are not to be missed. Summer is a great time to do these trails because they are lengthier than a holiday and come on you’re going to want a couple of months (or more) in these amazing places.

Hopefully you’ll have an amazing summer and take some inspiration from reading this! Summer is a great time to explore the world and discover a part of yourself you might not have realised existed. Will you be diving in the seas of Belize or looking after animals in Costa Rica? Wherever you go it will be an adventure!

Fay Partridge is an Online Media Intern for Frontier, a non-profit conservation NGO that helps people plan their gap year with over 300 opportunities to volunteer abroad and take part in adventure travel across the globe. Read more articles like this on their blog, Into the Wild, or on Facebook or Twitter.


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