Hats Off To Budding Milliners For Show Stopping Exhibition
4 years ago

Kensington and Chelsea College recently staged a stunning showpiece exhibition celebrating the UK’s next generation of talented milliners.

The exhibition was hosted by the college’s internationally renowned Millinery Department who has nurtured the talents of gifted milliners such as Justin Smith, Gina Foster and Sarah Cant.

Acting as a platform for emerging trends, the show profiled to industry and fashionistas alike, the work of budding designers from the college’s high-profile Fashion and Millinery courses.

To view the stunning collection online visit: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.657729957588608.1073741831.125789694115973&type=1

Just recently two of the college’s millinery alumni hit the headlines for their outstanding achievements - Harvy Santos was crowned hat designer of the year in the prestigious Premiere Classe Paris 2013 millinery competition, whilst Keely Hunter was declared one of Selfridges ‘Bright Young Things of 2013’.

For further information about the college’s fashion and millinery courses please contact the college on 0207 573 5333 or visit www.kcc.ac.uk.

Kensington and Chelsea College is committed to providing affordable education and has set-up a number of fee discounts and money saving schemes to support enrolling students. For more information visit: www.kcc.ac.uk/discounts

Aged 24 or over? 24+ Advanced Learning Loans are a new and easy way to pay your course fees. For more information visit: www.kcc.ac.uk/financial_help/advanced_learning_loans.php


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