Creative Apprenticeships - Coming Soon To A Screen Near You
4 years ago

The National Apprenticeship Service has launched a new film to encourage people to take up a creative sector apprenticeship. Entitled "Apprenticeships Sector in the Spotlight - Creative Industries", the film features four people who work in different creative industries telling us how their apprenticeship set them up for their careers.

One of the four stars, 21-year-old Luke Boatright served his Creative and Digital Media apprenticeship at the BBC, and is now working as a junior art director on The One Show. He says: “My apprenticeship gave me experience, one of the best qualifications possible in the TV industry, as well as the opportunity to build a network of contacts. "The experience has proved invaluable. The creative industry is incredibly broad in terms of the type of job you could end up doing so an apprenticeship is a great way to explore what’s on offer. "I would definitely encourage more young people to think about doing an apprenticeship.” And when it comes to media apprenticeships, there are many kinds to choose from, giving young people the chance to train in roles that include archival, animation, photo imaging, TV, radio, marketing and interactive media, to name but a few.

Chief Executive of the National Apprenticeship Service, David Way, has this to say: “With apprenticeships now available in many of the creative industries, there has never been a better time to become an apprentice and get the skills and experience you need to really make a mark in this competitive industry. "This campaign features the best people to get this message across – people who are or have been apprentices themselves. We hope young people will see the film and be inspired to explore what an apprenticeship could do for them.”

Creative Skillset, the Sector Skills Council for the Creative Industries, is encouraging employers to promote the film across the creative sector, and the National Apprenticeship Service plans to use it in resource packs and at careers events.


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