Apprenticeships – It’s What You Say, Not The Way That You Say It
4 years ago

If you've seen one Jobsite-type webpage, you might be forgiven for thinking you've seen them all. Not surprising, really, since there's a certain stylistic simplicity common to all the ones we've seen (and believe us, we've seen a few in our time).

However, that's not to say sites with standardised layouts are by nature a bad thing. After all, you can't judge a book by its cover, and that's especially true when it comes to ebook cover thumbnails these days.

However, as with all web pages, (e)books and any other form of media, content is, as they say, king ... and we've found a little website where content really does rule - especially when it comes to apprenticeships.

Ever heard of Apprentice Supermarket? Neither had we, until recently.

It's a non-profit business helping to get young people off the streets and into work, offering a range of training programmes for people seeking an apprenticeship or businesses offering one. Whether calling those programmes "boot camps" sends out the right message is a matter for conjecture, because it gives us the impression of assault courses, push-ups and route marches.

Mind you, our grandparents (who were around in times of National Service when every male of a certain age had to do a year or two in the military) might well be saying that would be a good thing.

Call it what you will, though, Apprentice Supermarket offers candidates between the ages of 16 and 24 an induction into the industry they're entering, together with on-the-job training, personal monitoring ... and once the apprenticeship has finished, access to connections within hiring companies throughout the UK.

We looked at their website, and with over 1400 new vacancies posted in the last seven days alone, according to their search results, there's a lot there to choose from, each with salary offered, location (which you can search by) ... and a lot of detail comes up when you click on the vacancy description, taking a lot of guesswork out of the whole apprenticeship-hunting process.

But it's not pretty, so even though some people might agree with the old song that goes "it's not what you say but the way that you say it", in the case of Apprentice Supermarket's jobs board, we don't - because there, content is very definitely king.

And it's well worth a visit.


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