College Holds Ceremony For Army Reservists, Spur Project
4 years ago

The SPUR project is aimed at local unemployed people aged 18-43 years old. In their first two weeks, learners visited the different Army Reserves to see all of the action, which was followed by a series of practical assignments.

The graduation celebrations took place at the College’s Tottenham Centre where Lt Col Rupert Pim presented learners with their certificates. He said: “It’s great to see so many people here today. The students have really proven themselves and demonstrated their potential.”

Learner, Romany Aubrey, said: “I’m really proud of my achievement and being awarded this certificate today. It’s really motivated me to get a job and given me a great insight in to the Army. There’s a wide range of jobs and I’m seriously considering joining.”

Out of the fifteen students on the course nine have now applied to enlist in the Army and one of the students has already gained permanent employment with Poundland as a result of gaining confidence on the course.

Jackie Chapman, Director of Employability and Employer Engagement, said: “Our learners have done extremely well. The partnership with the Army Reservists and JCP has been hugely successful and we look forward to building on this next year.”


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