Will Monange, Bbc Degree Apprentice
4 years ago

Tell us a little bit about you?My name is Will Monange, I am 18 years old and have recently finished my A-levels. I am now on the BBC Management Higher Apprenticeship scheme. I was born in France and have lived in places across the world including Nigeria and Guadeloupe. I have moved down to London for the Apprenticeship and so far love every bit of it.What are you studying?I am studying BA (Hons) Business Management at Pearson College London on a once a week basis. The degree consists of a 2 year course incorporating both course work and assessments. It looks at the different features of business as a whole and specifies into management.Where are you working?I work in the HQ of Design and Engineering department. It manages the fluidity and success of all output across all platforms of the BBC, as well as many of the bigger project the BBC takes on. However I recently participated in the American election coverage, shadowing the project manager of the project once a week until the Election Day. My work also occasionally consists of working on and with the One Show which is a fun and exciting experience.Why did you choose a Degree Apprenticeship?The opportunity to have a fully funded degree that only took 2 years to complete, all whilst getting paid was an incomparable opportunity. Furthermore the BBC is a worldwide organisation with endless opportunity for devolvement and expansion. As an organisation it makes a genuine difference to people’s daily lives and being part of this is a big privilege.Having this experience will help me stand out in today’s very competitive market and give me the much desired industry experience that university can sometimes fail to fully provide.

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