Sardinian Nannies Team Profile
6 years ago

Sardinian Nannies Team Profile

What made you apply to MW/how did you hear of us?

Internet, College and friends

What were you doing before your first season with us?

We all did a few different jobs such as College, Nurseries, Private nannies, University

What position are you doing now and what do you enjoy the most about it?

We are all nannies and the things we enjoy the most are meeting new people, learning new things and being able to travel the world

Is there anything you have learnt in your free time that you couldn’t do before?

Sailing, windsurfing and paddle boarding. We do all of these activities with the children so we learn while looking after the children.

If they have done a few seasons – list progression and where you have been/what they have achieved

There are 7 of us here and we have been to the majority of resorts between us all. We have all achieved different things from gaining more confidence with the younger children to the older children and all sorts of different things

What are your future aspirations?

To do lots more seasons and work our way up through the company some of us even want to make it to head office.

What have you gained from your time with MW so far?

Confidence, life long friendships, life experience and a chance to try new things

What would you say to someone thinking about doing their first season.

Do it. It is a once in a life time opportunity and you will never regret it.

Favourite film?

Any chick flicks, comedy, rom-coms or Disney

Favourite CD ?

Any summer music with a beat and is happy, upbeat and feel good.?

Greatest achievement?

Learning to sail, windsurf, snowboard and ski

Funniest moment ?

Pushing Roddy into the freezing cold pool fully clothed only to find out that he had his phone in his pocket OOPS. He did see the funny side though lol

Best Guest feedback?

Getting high percentages and lots of mentions

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