My Experience As A Hnc Digital Technologies Student At The South Central Institute Of Technology
1 year ago

Deborah Mungai joined the South Central Institute of Technology to study Security and Networking this year after finishing her A levels. She began exploring the options open to her that would cater for her passion for tech, and reviewed universities, apprenticeships and South Central IoT.

Deborah’s schoolteacher managed to schedule a meeting with our Head of Curriculum here at South Central Institute of Technology, and the rest is history. Deborah tells her story about her experience.

“This turned into a golden opportunity for me as soon as I visited the college for the boot camp. The building is separated from all other buildings and it was so quiet and clean, there were only a few students around which was positive as the teachers can offer more advice one-on-one or in small groups. At the Digital Bootcamp we were presented with all of the modules involved in the course and what we would gain from these modules.

Throughout the course we have learnt so much from the tutors – they really speak from the heart because they have so much personal experience. The tasks we’re set really push you to communicate and ask for help from teachers and fellow students. I have enjoyed meeting new people, and the flexibility of the course means I can keep my part time job and my online business as well.

After finishing my course, I would want to get more experience in Cyber Security and to work for a big company like Cisco, Microsoft or Google, that would be a dream come true! I generally want to work and gain experience across different sectors, I could even help educate others.”

What would your advice be to someone interested in studying at the SCIoT?

“To those who may have finished school and might not know what they want to do after school, I would advise to try out the South Central Institute of Technology, it gives you the option to study further before you decide if you want to continue with higher education, begin an apprenticeship or straight into work. It can also help you decide what area of Computing or Games & Animation you want to specialise in.

I can’t say how much I love being part of the South Central Institute of Technology, it has given me so many opportunities and really opened my eyes to how I can achieve my goals.

South Central Institute of Technology is the best place to be!”

Deborah has since graduated on the Cyber Security and Networking pathway on Digital Technologies with a Merit.

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