Muhammad Saif-allah Ahmed - Business Analyst Apprentice @ Jones Lang Lasalle
2 years ago

What led you to do an apprenticeship?

I was unsure what to do after my A-Levels and I did not want to go through the university route after researching the short/long term prospects following on from the degree. I then researched alternative options and came across apprenticeships which I found to be a much better option from a cost-benefit analysis. The second reason I wanted to do an apprenticeship was because I was slightly intimidated with starting non-junior roles with little experience so I found apprenticeships to be a soft break into the working world.

What goal were you trying to achieve?

I wanted to get my foot in the door to start my career and practically this would be through the experience and skills gained during the apprenticeship that I could demonstrate in my next potential opportunity. This has been a major success.

What benefits did the apprenticeship offer over other upskilling and academic courses?

From comparing apprenticeships to standard academic degrees, the 2 greatest benefits are experience as well as being debt free. Being able to demonstrate this experience to employers for future roles is a huge advantage.

How does the programme blend learning with the role you have?

Through the training and learning that I undertook, I was able to understand the various methods on how a new IT project could be implemented in my firm. This enabled me to map out the method of implementation for the project I worked on.

What three things do you like about the programme?

  • I like the flexibility that apprenticeships provide. If I was very busy during a week, I could postpone some of my apprenticeship tasks to the following week with assistance from my business coach. Some weeks I would focus more on apprenticeship tasks, some weeks I would do less depending on my workload.
  • I liked that I was given 20% "off the job" training which allowed me time to improve my knowledge and skills.
  • I enjoyed the fact that this programme was a "soft break" into the working world which gave me the confidence for my next career roles.
  • What are the main things you have achieved through the programmes?

    Gaining experience working in the Business Analysis profession is the most valuable opportunity this apprenticeship has given to me including general work experience. This will support me in being successful in the next role I apply for and support me in the actual work I would be involved in. The qualifications are a bonus as they demonstrate formal competence in the profession. I have also been able to network much better since starting the apprenticeship.

    Would you recommend apprenticeships and why?

    Absolutely I would strongly recommend apprenticeships. As I always say, apprenticeships are a gold mine opportunity right now. They allow you to start your career debt free and the experience gained will be your first step which will support you in finding your next opportunity. They also naturally provide networking opportunities.

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