Meet Amelia -  Advanced Engineering Technician Apprentice, Warton
1 year ago

Amelia is an Advanced Engineering Technician Apprentice, based in Warton.

‘I've had a huge passion for aircraft from a young age. My dad works for BAE Systems as well and he took me to an air show to see the Typhoon aircraft he works on. I was absolutely mesmerised.

I did some engineering projects at school and went on one of BAE Systems Engineering Taster Days and I knew it was where I wanted to be. I was going to go to university to study engineering with a view to then joining the business once I’d graduated. But when I thought about it in more detail it made more sense to join straight away on an apprenticeship scheme. It was definitely the right thing to do. I get a great wage, no student debt, and there’s some incredible opportunities here. I think I’m about 5 years ahead of the same people my age that opted to go to university, in term of experience and skills.

I’ve developed not only as an engineer, but personally. My hard and soft skills have gone through the roof. I’m so much more confident, I’m delivering presentations in front of audiences - I could not have done that over a year ago. It’s such a supportive environment. Every day I go in, I can make mistakes. And I’m encouraged to make mistakes, to learn and grow as a person.

I’ve been in the business for a year and a half now, my first year was spent at the Academy of Skills and Knowledge at Samlesbury, and the rest of my apprenticeship consists of six, four month placements. I'm currently in the Cockpit Design team, which is absolutely incredible. I'm on a flight next week to get a better understanding of what it’s like in a cockpit, and I’ve already had chance to share some design ideas with pilots from all over Europe that use our products.

I love being hands on. I’m working with some of the most advanced technology there is, as part of an inspiring team, using my skills to make a difference in the world. I’d encourage any girl or woman to get into engineering. I’ve taken part in sessions with school children to help them understand more about engineering and why it’s important. I want to carry on trying to inspire the next generation, to make a difference, and be happy. That's the most important thing to me - to make sure that whatever I'm doing brings me happiness. I look forward to work every day, and that's important to me.’

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