Luke Venner, Manager – Insolvency, Exeter
9 years ago

“It’s simple – I wanted a professional qualification and a clear career path – without the debt”.

You could say I have accountancy in my blood – both my dad and uncle are in finance and after doing work experience in a small accountancy firm in Year 10, I chose Maths, Further Maths, Geography, Business and Economics at A Level! I was really motivated to join a school leaver programme and sent speculative letters to several firms in Exeter before I’d finished studying.

I was actually offered a University scholarship in the US for football, but in the end I decided to go straight into work because I wanted the experience and qualification without the debt. When I started at Bishop Fleming, I discovered one of my old school friends working here which was a nice surprise and helped me to settle in. At first, I was given smaller projects whilst studying, and from six months in, I was able to assist on Audit work. I’ve now moved into Insolvency which is an area I’m much more interested in – I found out about the vacancy thorough a conversation with a Partner and it was great to have the flexibility to move.

The atmosphere at Bishop Fleming is very friendly and teamwork is really encouraged. You work in the interests of the firm, rather than for just one Partner. I’ve heard that in bigger firms you are often there to support just one Partner – but with Bishop Fleming there’s variety, responsibility and exposure early on.

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