Kelsey Mckivor- Health, Safety And Environment Placement
11 years ago

Name: Kelsey McKivor

Placement: Health, Safety and Environment

Age: 15

ISS was there to help, the school advised her about the work experience opportunities that were available – “I wanted to do my work experience with animals, but I was too young. Once the school found out that I was struggling they told me about ISS. They said it was going to be a rewarding experience and a great opportunity as it was going to show me what life was like in the real world.”

The roles were varied and involved project work – “I was given the task of creating monthly briefings for the various departments. I had to explain in a poster why I chose the subjects I did and why it was important. In a typical day I researched the accidents and incidents that had occurred in the past few days and then put that information onto the KMI reports database.” Kelsey goes on to explain what her most enjoyable parts of the placement were – “I liked being given the responsibility of being allowed to make decisions for myself and for the company.”

Kelsey managed to get over some of her fears and found the experience rewarding – “I had to get over my shyness as it holds me back sometimes. But I knew that I couldn’t just sit there and be quiet, I was in the working environment and I had to somehow get over it… It was a really fulfilling opportunity.”

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