Jeremy Wilkins - Waiter
10 years ago

Jeremy scooped two titles at the Bath Chronicle Apprenticeship Awards. He won his own category, Outstanding Apprentice of the Year (Level 2 & 3) Service Industries, and was also judged overall Outstanding Apprentice of the Year.

He said: “I was over the moon that all my hard work and drive had been recognised. I couldn’t have done it without HIT and my trainer assessor James Burchfield.”

Jeremy, 24, is a restaurant team member in the Allium restaurant at the three-star Best Western Abbey Hotel in Bath. He has worked at the hotel for 18 months and has helped set up and make the restaurant flourish since it was opened by new owners Ian and Christa Taylor.

Food and Beverage (Level 2) Apprenticeship

Ian said: “I’m incredibly proud of Jeremy. He’s an outstanding employee and a star of the future.” Ian and Christa welcomed the chance to work with HIT to train their staff and help them gain qualifications. Jeremy was keen to sign up and hopes to gain his Food & Beverage (Level 2) Apprenticeship after just 12 months’ study.

He aims to go on to an Advanced Level 3 Apprenticeship and hopes it will fuel his dream of climbing the management ladder and eventually running his own restaurant. “I’m passionate about the industry, totally committed and very ambitious,” says Jeremy.

“The apprenticeship has helped me gain a greater understanding of the in-depth knowledge required to run an excellent business. I wanted to increase my skill level and management skills and I’m delighted that I can combine a job I love with working towards a qualification that will help me to further my career.

"However I also need to pay the rent and bills. University or college were not options for me because of the huge fees - apprenticeships are an excellent alternative to building up massive debts.”

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