Howdens Warehouse Operative Apprentice - Meet Konrad
2 years ago

Let’s meet Konrad – a Howdens Warehouse Operative from the Bedford Depot who joined as an Apprentice Warehouse Operative!

Tell us about how you felt leading up to results day? Was it important to you to get good grades?

It was very important for me to get good grades, I felt a bit nervous waiting for my results but I was confident that I would do well. However Howdens apprenticeships don’t have a set rules on what grades you need – you just need to pass English and Maths and if you don’t have that already they help you get those so that’s nice to know.

When did you start to look for an apprenticeship, and why was this the route you wanted to choose?

I started to look into apprenticeships at the beginning of Year 11 as I didn't want to go to college or university and wanted to learn on the job and be more independent and start to earn and manage money. Getting an apprenticeship seemed to be the perfect route for me and Howdens offered something that caught my interest.

What was your first day like at Howdens? How did you feel? What was it like meeting the team? 

I felt a little bit nervous but as soon as I got to meet everyone I felt really welcomed and more relaxed. My first day consisted of a lot of induction/health and safety training but I knew this was essential in this role.

What opportunities has the apprenticeship given you?

It has given me the opportunity to meet new people that I can get advice from and develop my skills from. My off the job training gave me the opportunity to sample other roles within the depot such as designing and serving on the counter which has given me more confidence when dealing with builders as you get to know them on more of a personal level. You can really get an idea of what you want to do as the roles are quite diverse but at the same time have skills you can carry over to each other.  I have also recently passed my FLT license. 

 What has been the highlight since starting at Howdens?

Passing my apprenticeship and FLT first of all, but also the staff incentives such as meals out and the go karting.  I also enjoyed the trade day that we had recently as it was busy and I got to speak to a lot of the builders and have a laugh.

What advice would you give to someone leaving school and going straight into an apprenticeship?

Don't overthink it, or stress about it. Look at areas of personal interest when searching for an apprenticeship that will be relevant to your desired career in the future as that’s what I did and everything has been going well and I’m happy with my progress and looking forward to my future here, or whatever path I take in life. I have learnt valuable skills that I will take with me in life.

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