Hollie Bentley- Working At Janus Henderson
6 years ago

Name: Hollie Bentley

Firm: Janus Henderson Investors

Job Title: HR Trainee – Recruitment and Learning & Talent Development

1. Why do you enjoy your job?

Please tell us about what you do and why you are suited to your job drawing on the skills and interests that you have.

I joined Janus Henderson in August 2017 and am thoroughly enjoying my role. I work within the Recruitment and Learning and Talent Development teams within the Human Resources function. My day-to-day role is to support the two Talent teams with any admin, queries and projects.

2. What is the most challenging thing about your job?

The tasks within my role vary day to day, and every day brings a new challenge. This variation of tasks can be the most challenging aspect to my role. I support two teams, and therefore my workload can become heavy and tasks are very different to each other. Prioritisation is crucial, and mistakes need to be minimal as a lot of work produced by the teams is client facing.

Most importantly, due to our recent merger we are currently implementing and merging many systems throughout the business. My two teams in particular are implementing new systems, which are proving difficult as we are all having to learn the new processes. However, I am starting to feel confident on the new systems and enjoying the learning of new skills.

3. How did you get into your job?

Please tell us whether you came straight from school/college, uni or did you work for a few years? What was your journey? How has Investment20/20 helped you establish your career?

I applied for this role during my last few months at the University of Kent, where I graduated with a 2:1 degree in Business Administration.

In terms of work experience, I – like many – have had various part-time roles in retail/customer services. Other than this, I held a two-week work experience in HR at a large Insurance firm, and a six-week internship in Capital Fundraising. This made me really interested in pursuing a career in HR because I really do enjoy working with and helping people, as well as this; I find the many theories within HR extremely fascinating.

I was interested in applying for a HR role at Janus Henderson Investors in particular, because the Investment Industry was a completely new world for me, which I knew would provide many diverse opportunities to get involved in.

4. What are your future aspirations?

You don’t have to answer this question but it would be very helpful for young people who might be thinking about forging a career in our sector to hear about your career plans.

My future aspirations are to pass the CFA Institute Investment Foundations that I am currently studying for, and to them complete the CIPD and pursue a career in Human Resources.

5. How would you sum up your Investment20/20 experience?

Is there a quote that you would be prepared to give us?

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